Which NHS services are included?

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Urgent and emergency care is much more than just A&E, although that is the service that might first come to mind for many people.

It can start with how we care for ourselves at home, with advice at the pharmacy, or treatment from our GP. And once we leave hospital, we may often need ongoing support from other services for a fuller recovery.

Whilst these other community services are often part of the patient journey for people who receive urgent or emergency care, they are not being looked at as part of this programme. The places which offer NHS urgent and emergency care in Southport, Formby and West Lancashire, and which are being looked at as we start the conversation around change are:

  • Adult A&E at Southport and Formby District Hospital.
  • A&E for children and young people at Ormskirk District Hospital.
  • Urgent treatment centre at Ormskirk District Hospital.
  • Walk-in centre (or minor injuries unit), Concourse Shopping Centre, Skelmersdale.
  • Same day emergency care unit at Southport and Formby District Hospital.
  • GP out-of-hours service, via NHS 111 by phone and online.

Our approach to reviewing urgent and emergency care will look at all of the above, seeking ways to ensure that together these services can support the urgent and emergency care needs of our population.

The role that all of these services have to play will be considered in the review. That is not to say that they will all need to change or undergo restructuring.

Urgent and emergency care is much more than just A&E, although that is the service that might first come to mind for many people.

It can start with how we care for ourselves at home, with advice at the pharmacy, or treatment from our GP. And once we leave hospital, we may often need ongoing support from other services for a fuller recovery.

Whilst these other community services are often part of the patient journey for people who receive urgent or emergency care, they are not being looked at as part of this programme. The places which offer NHS urgent and emergency care in Southport, Formby and West Lancashire, and which are being looked at as we start the conversation around change are:

  • Adult A&E at Southport and Formby District Hospital.
  • A&E for children and young people at Ormskirk District Hospital.
  • Urgent treatment centre at Ormskirk District Hospital.
  • Walk-in centre (or minor injuries unit), Concourse Shopping Centre, Skelmersdale.
  • Same day emergency care unit at Southport and Formby District Hospital.
  • GP out-of-hours service, via NHS 111 by phone and online.

Our approach to reviewing urgent and emergency care will look at all of the above, seeking ways to ensure that together these services can support the urgent and emergency care needs of our population.

The role that all of these services have to play will be considered in the review. That is not to say that they will all need to change or undergo restructuring.